YouTube Kids App Suggested Conspiracy Theory Videos on ‘Reptilians’ and ‘Flat Earth’ to Children


YouTube Kids, the YouTube app aimed specifically at children, was caught suggesting videos on conspiracy theories about the moon landing, reptilians, and the Earth’s shape.

As reported by Business Insider’s James Cook, the app “is meant to filter out adult content,” however an investigation discovered that YouTube Kids was recommending videos claiming “that the world is flat, that the moon landing was faked, and that the planet is ruled by reptile-human hybrids.”

“Search for ‘UFO’ on YouTube Kids and you’ll mostly find videos of toys that are clearly fine for children to watch. But one of the top videos claimed to show a UFO shooting at a chemtrail, and we found several videos by prominent conspiracy theorist David Icke in the suggested videos,” Business Insider reported. “One suggested video was an hours-long lecture by Icke in which he claims that aliens built the pyramids, that the planet is run by reptile-human hybrids, that Freemasons engage in human sacrifice, that the assassination of President Kennedy was planned by the US government, and that humans would evolve in 2012.”

Conspiracy theory videos about the moon landing, magic gateways and portals, chemtrails, the “flat Earth” theory, Planet X, and aliens were also discovered, and after Business Insider reached out to YouTube, the videos were removed from the app. – READ MORE

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