WATCH: Tucker Skewers Illegal Alien Attorney Over Basic Constitutional Privileges


“Let’s get to the real meat of this debate which is, how actually does it help the citizens?” Carlson said of the decision by Kenney, and the mayors of other cities, not to cooperate with ICE. “How does it help allowing criminals to go unpunished, or to escape federal law enforcement?”

Vargas said information about violent criminals would still be passed on to ICE, but information about those who commit less serious infractions would not — even though the immigration status of both types of criminals would be the same.

“People voted for those laws and you’re now saying that it’s immoral to enforce them. So I guess I’m the one who believes in democracy, not you,” Carlson said.

Vargas tried to counter that resistance against laws that someone feels aren’t right is a normal part of a democracy. Carlson countered by saying that picking and choosing which laws are to be enforced is not democracy, but rather anarchy. – READ MORE



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