WATCH: Trump’s Unwavering Message to ICE Is the Last Thing Leftists Wanted To Hear


Using the opportunity of his weekly address, Trump made the case for ICE to the American people.

“In fiscal year 2017 alone, ICE arrested more than 127,000 aliens charged or convicted of crimes inside of the United States,” the president explained. “These were very serious crimes, and far too many of them.

“Yet leading Democrat politicians have called to abolish ICE,” he said. “Nobody even believes it; they want to abolish ICE.”

“So to the courageous public servants at ICE — men and women, great ones — we want you to know that the American people are with you, and my administration has your back, 100 percent. You are the heroes who protect the lives of our citizens, the safety of our communities, and the sovereignty of our great nation.” – READ MORE


Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney announced Friday that has stopped allowing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to access a key city law enforcement database.

Kenney plans to formally announce the decision to terminate the city’s contract with ICE Friday afternoon, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer.

“I cannot in good conscience allow the agreement to continue,” Kenney told the paper.

Kenney’s decision comes after several incidents that he says gave him reason to be concerned that the agency was using its access to the Preliminary Arraignment Reporting System, or PARS, in “inappropriate ways.”

The mayor’s office claimed that ICE would search the database to find Philadelphia residents born outside of the U.S. and target them for investigation, even if they had not been accused or convicted of a crime. – READ MORE

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