WATCH: Sen. Mazie Hironi LASHES OUT At White House Over Kavanaugh Investigation


The White House-authorized “limited” FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh’s past has barely begun, but Senate Democrats are already complaining about it.Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) assailed the investigation in an appearance on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos,” calling the check a “farce” and demanding that the FBI leave the investigation open-ended.

“There’s time, you know. The thing is that every senate vote matters and there’s time to get to the bottom of it, even if it’s seven days. That’s bad enough, but then to limit the FBI as to the scope and who they’re going to question?” Hirono sneered. – READ MORE


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) announced Sunday that he plans a “full scale” investigation into who among his Democratic colleagues leaked Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s letter, accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, to the Washington Post.

Graham appeared on ABC News‘ “This Week” to discuss Thursday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, and doubled down on harsh comments he made during his opportunity to question Kavanaugh, accusing Democrats of malfeasance, and implying that Dr. Ford was railroaded by operatives.

“We’re going to do a wholesale, full scale investigation of what I think was a despicable process to deter it from happening again,” Graham said.

“The FBI will do a supplemental background investigation, then I’m going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee. Who betrayed Dr. Ford’s trust?” he continued. “Who in Feinstein’s office recommended Katz as a lawyer? Why did Ms. Ford not know that the committee was willing to go to California?” – READ MORE

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