WATCH: Ronald Reagan’s Stance on Gun Control Is What Every American Needs to Hear


President Ronald Reagan spoke the words almost 35 years ago, but they could have been part of an argument yesterday.

Because with the gun control movement galvanized by the Valentine’s Day massacre in Parkland, Florida, gun grabbers are trying to use the blood of innocent victims to open another front in their war on constitutional liberty.

But in a speech to the National Rifle Association in May of 1983, Reagan laid out the basic reality that every Second Amendment supporter understands.

“It’s a nasty truth, but those who seek to inflict harm are not fazed by gun control laws,” Reagan said.

Reagan knew what he was talking about – having felt the “nasty truth” personally when a madman trying to impress a movie star put a bullet in the president during an assassination attempt in March of 1981. – READ MORE

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