WATCH: Military Rushes In To Protect Venezuelan President After Televised ‘Assassination Attempt’


Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro survived what officials said was an assassination attempt Saturday after several drones exploded near where he was standing while reviewing a parade in Caracas, the nation’s capital.

Video taken during the event showed Maduro looking up in the middle of a speech. His wife, Cilia Flores, can be seen wincing after a loud explosion. Soldiers then broke ranks from the parade to protect Maduro. The attack during a ceremony to celebrate the 81st anniversary of the founding of the  Venezuelan National Guard took place at about 5:40 p.m.

As the explosions took place, Maduro voice could be heard on video saying “let’s go to the right,” The Washington Post reported.

“Explosions were heard,” said Communications Minister Jorge Rodríguez. “Investigations show clearly that flying artifacts or drones containing explosive material exploded near the presidential stage.”

“This was an attempt against the president,” he said, CNN reported – READ MORE


Just about everyone in the world knows that Venezuela’s socialist model has been a failure. Now, the country’s president has admitted it as well  — sort of.

“The production models we’ve tried so far have failed and the responsibility is ours, mine and yours,” Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro told members of his ruling congressTuesday.

While Maduro may have admitted failure, he’s still not necessarily taking the blame. He believes (or at least tells his citizens) that many of the country’s economic problems stem from the U.S. “empire” trying to undermine his administration through military intimidation and economic sanctions.

“Enough with the whining… we need to produce with or without (outside) aggression, with or without blockades, we need to make Venezuela an economic power,” Maduro said. “No more whining, I want solutions comrades!”

Maduro said he will no longer blame the U.S. for his country’s problems.

“Enough of whining,” Maduro said. “You will not see me whining to myself. I do not blame them anymore. You do not see me whining in front of imperialism. Let them attacks us. It is up to us whether to act with aggression or without aggression.”  – READ MORE

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