WATCH: Jordan Peterson takes on Bill Maher’s panel of liberals — and educates them on why they lost in 2016


Bestselling author Jordan Peterson was the only person not interested in bashing President Donald Trump on Bill Maher’s panel Friday night, where he used the opportunity to educate Maher, his panel and viewers why Trump won in the 2016 election.

Jordan began by noting that a large percentage of Americans have aligned themselves with Trump, so he questioned — with all of the Trump bashing happening at the table — what would happen to an already divided nation if Trump’s political opponents oust him from office.

“It looks to me, from an outsider’s perspective, your country is polarizing in a way that’s not good and that, you know, people are going after Trump and I understand that…but there’s all these people that elected him and are identified with him and they’re not taking this well,” Peterson said.


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