WATCH: Hannity Goes to London and Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters with Simple Question


During man-on-the-street interviews in London, Fox News commentator Sean Hannity had a hell of a time getting Brits to even explain what they were protesting.

“Hannity asked the protesters to list specific reasons why they were protesting Trump, a question that exposed the absurdity of the protests — and as Hannity said: ‘You can’t make this stuff up,’” summarized TheBlaze.

A quick look at some of the statements from the clueless hecklers reveals that many were joining the crowd with no real idea of what they believed or why they disliked the American president. – READ MORE


“Protesters gather in London for mass anti-Trump rallies,” screamed the CNN headline.

One march started at 11 a.m. London time with another at 2 p.m. But if pictures from the first march are any indication, estimates of 200,000 angry protesters clogging the city streets might be heavily exaggerated.

Another picture from the BBC showed even fewer people gathered. – READ MORE


These videos are, without a doubt, the funniest moments from today’s anti-Trump protest in London. Enjoy:

We’re embarrassed for you, England. – READ MORE


Following a NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium, earlier in the week, President Donald Trump traveled to the United Kingdom on Thursday and Friday to meet with Prime Minister Theresa May and hold tea time with Queen Elizabeth II at the royal palace.

If you’ve followed the mainstream media or social media then you are probably aware that the anti-Trump left planned to stage a massive protest in London in opposition to the president’s visit.

That protest was hyped by the anti-Trump media in part over their gleeful expectations of seeing a massive anti-Trump balloon fly over top of the protest. That balloon was known as the “Trump Baby Blimp” — it looks like a fat, orange Trump-like baby wearing a diaper — and its owners received permission from London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s office to appear at the protest.

But according to The Daily Caller, the anti-Trump balloon turned out to pretty much be a bust, far less than it had been expected to be and little more than a failed joke.

Nevertheless, Reuters proudly reported on the launch of the anti-Trump balloon among roughly 1,000 protesters near Parliament Square and shared quotes from a number of anti-Trump Londoners who were demonstrating against the president’s visit to their nation and city. – READ MORE

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