WATCH: Dems Picked Inexperienced Savior, Ocasio-Cortez Implodes at Interview


According to The Daily Wire, the exchange in question was about the May clashes at the Israeli border with Gaza, which Ocasio-Cortez has described as a “massacre.” Hoover noted that the “geo-politics” of a Palestinian protest are a good deal different from a peaceful demonstration in the United States by people “expressing their First Amendment right to protest.”

“Well, yes, but I also think that what people are starting to see, at least, in the occupation of Palestine, is just an increasing crisis of humanitarian condition,” the candidate said. “And that, to me, is just where I tend to come from on this issue.”

“You use the term ‘the occupation of Palestine,’” Hoover continued. “What do you mean by that?”

“Oh! Um.” There was a significant pause before Ocasio-Cortez embarked on her answer. “I think what I meant is, like, the settlements that are increasing in some of these areas and places where Palestinians are experiencing difficulty in access to their housing and homes.”

“Do you think you can expand on that?” Hoover continued, showing considerable restraint by not asking whether Ocasio-Cortez would like to phone a friend.

“Yeah, I mean, I think, I’d also just — I am not the expert on geopolitics on this issue,” Ocasio-Cortez said, breaking into laughter.

Yes, you don’t say. I don’t know what she thinks is particularly hysterical here. I mean, I certainly know what I find funny, although I also find my mirth considerably tempered by the fact that this woman will likely be voting in the Congress of the United States on issues regarding the Jewish state and Palestine come January next. – READ MORE


On Thursday, The New York Times editorial board, which has slammed the state’s election laws before, took the time to mount another attack. The last time the Times opined about the election laws was in February; the time before that was in October 2017. What could possibly have motivated them to approach the subject again?

Why, the candidacy of everyone’s favorite young socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, which is seemingly threatened because the powerful incumbent she defeated in a recent primary is still on the November ballot.

Calling New York State’s election laws, “an embarrassingly retrograde system that protects incumbents by confusing voters and suppressing turnout,” the Times bemoans the fact that Rep. Joe Crowley, whom Ocasio-Cortez defeated, can only be removed from the ballot if he moves out of New York State, dies or accepts the Democratic Party’s nomination for a different office.

Crowley, noting that he would not run for an alternative office where he wouldn’t serve just to erase his name from the ballot with Ocasio-Cortez, answered that on Twitter, writing, “I don’t plan on moving out of New York, have a clean record, hope God’s will is that I don’t die and won’t commit what I honestly believe to be election fraud.” – READ MORE

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