Fmr. CIA Director Gets Wrecked By High Schooler After Posting Fake News Piece Defending Strzok


On July 12, former CIA Director John Brennan spoke up in defense of Strzok, who recently testified in front of Congress to answer questions about his biased anti-Trump text messages exchanged with his illicit lover, a female FBI employee.

Kashuv’s the Parkland school shooting survivor who is most known for defending the Second Amendment against liberals like David Hogg.

“You’re just upset that the kakistocracy you were a part of that was collapsing after its lamentable journey is no longer collapsing because we don’t have HRC as POTUS,” Kashuv continued.

He linked to a source confirming that the Lincoln quote was literally “fake news” — the famous president simply never said those words. – READ MORE


Former CIA officer Daniel Hoffman said John Brennan is “doing Vladimir Putin’s bidding” by speculating that the Russians have compromising information on President Trump.

During an MSNBC interview in March, Brennan, the CIA director under former President Obama, said Trump has a “fawning attitude toward” the Russian president and that may be because the Russians “have something on him.”

After Trump called on the Justice Department to look into if the FBI infiltrated or surveilled his presidential campaign for political purposes, Brennan tweeted that Trump was on a “disastrous path” and doing a great disservice to the nation. – READ MORE

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