UPDATE: Networks Dedicate 258 Minutes to Separated Kids Coverage


It has been a full week since the liberal broadcasts networks of ABC, CBS, and, NBC began their full-court press against President Trump’s zero-tolerance immigration policy being implemented on the U.S.-Mexico border. On Tuesday, the trio added an additional 82 minutes between their morning and evening broadcasts.

Over the last seven days (June 13 through June 19), the networks have unleashed a deluge of reports featuring over-the-top grandstanding and virtue signaling totaling 258 minutes, or more than four hours. [UPDATE: On June 20, the network morning shows generated an additional 61 minutes on this topic, bringing the total to a stunning 319 minutes of airtime.]

Updating the Media Research Center’s previous findings per network, NBC has now claimed the top spot, with a total of 102 minutes. CBS fell to second place with 100 minutes, and ABC continued to bring up the rear with 56 minutes.


NBC has taken the lead in the total time allotted to the controversial policy, and they are also arguably the top dog when it comes to using the most hyperbolic and emotionally-charged language. They even ran a segment on Tuesday’s NBC Nightly News demonizing people who supported the policy, and suggested the administration was creating “orphan immigrant” children. – READ MORE

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