Twitter Leftists Attack Chris Pratt For Offering Thoughts And Prayers To Ailing Kevin Smith


“Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Jurassic World” star Chris Pratt found himself under attack Monday after tweeting his “thoughts and prayers” to director Kevin Smith, who narrowly survived a massive heart attack over the weekend.

Pratt, who has spoken openly about his faith before, reached out to Smith on the social media network to say that he was “praying his ass off” because he believes in the “healing power of prayer.”

The sentiment didn’t sit well with Twitter leftists — and especially Twitter atheists — who have been critical of the concept of offering “thoughts of prayers” in the wake of an accident or tragedy since the shooting in Parkland, Florida, several weeks ago. Many have been openly hostile to lawmakers who tweet about their faith in the wake of such incidents, on the theory that those who pray aren’t moved to any further action (and because they fail to consider that prayer, itself, is an action).

Pratt’s critics were no less antagonistic, lashing out at the actor and suggesting that he stop believing in “sky fairies” and a “flying spaghetti monster,” and believe instead in the power of modern medicine — as if faith and science were mutually exclusive. – READ MORE

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