Twitter blocks posts that use phrase ‘illegal alien’ as ‘hateful content’


The federal government, U.S. Supreme Court, and lawyers across the country use the word “illegal alien” to describe immigrants who illegally enter the country, because that’s the definition in the law.

But Twitter makes its own laws, and the social media giant is now blocking folks from promoting any messages with the phrase, which its moderators apparently consider “hate speech.”

“1/ Twitter is not allowing us to promote any tweets including the phrase ‘illegal alien(s)’, citing it as Hateful Content,” the Center for Immigration Studies posted to Twitter Tuesday. “However, ‘illegal aliens’ has been used in both federal law and by the Supreme Court.”

Twitter rejected a total of four ads from the Center but provided only vague reasoning for the decision.

“We’ve reviewed your tweets and confirmed that it is ineligible to participate in the Twitter Ads program at this time based on our Hateful Content policy. Violating content include, but is not limited to, that which is hate speech or advocacy against a protected group,” according to a notice posted on the CIS website. – READ MORE


President Donald Trump’s 2020 Campaign Manager, Brad Parscale, stated in a recent op-ed that the Silicon Valley Masters of the Universe pose a real threat to democracy and online freedom.

In an op-ed published in USA Today, Brad Parscale, President Trump’s 2016 Digital Media Director and 2020 Presidential Campaign Manager, discussed how the Silicon Valley tech firms could pose a real threat to democracy and online freedom. In the article, Parscale notes that as social media has become more popular, tech firms have worked to control what is considered acceptable discussion and discourse online. Parscale states that this is a direct threat to a free society and that the worst offender is Google.

Parscale writes: As the internet has become an increasingly central part of modern life, Big Tech giants such as Facebook, Twitter and Google have increasingly sought to become the gatekeepers of the internet and political discourse. Without any sort of democratic mandate, these companies have appointed themselves the arbiters of acceptable thought, discussion and searches online.

These companies’ pervasive command of the internet — and blatant desire to control how we interact with it — is a direct threat to a free society. And arguably the worst offender is Google.READ MORE

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