Trump’s transparent North Korea deal is nothing like Obama’s secretive Iran deal


President Trump took a bold risk holding a summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. In this divided era, critics abound, including those saying people on the Right are hypocrites for supporting Trump’s North Korea overture but not former President Barack Obama’s Iran overture.

Trump’s North Korean deal, however, is far superior to Obama’s Iran Deal.

First, to take the position that if you disliked Obama dealing with Iran you have to dislike Trump’s dealing with North Korea is to declare all “deals” equal and, therefore, that all deals should be treated the same. That is very shallow commentary and dead wrong.

We now know Obama’s Iran deal was done secretively and we know why. The Obama administration lied about the Iran deal and its side deals. Obama’s deal allowed Iran to exchange money in what may have been an illegal manner. Obama also paid Iran billions in cash so he could get the Iran deal done. That Iran deal cash has financed Iran’s Middle East conventional warfare gains since the deal was done.

Beyond that, Iran gave up nothing in advance of the deal and retained critical parts of its nuclear program. We also know that the Iran deal is unverifiable. Indeed, many experts now think Iran has been cheating all along on the deal. – READ MORE

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