Trump: US will ‘absolutely’ sanction European companies that do business with Iran


President Trump said Sunday that the U.S. will “absolutely” sanction European companies that do business with Iran.

Trump said on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that European companies will face consequences as a result of the U.S. withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal.

“Yes, of course. That’s what we’re doing. Absolutely,” the president responded when asked if the U.S. would sanction European companies that do business with Iran.

Trump announced earlier this year that he would pull the U.S. out of the pact, which offered Tehran sanctions relief in exchange for curbing its nuclear program. The White House has said the U.S. will put those sanctions back into place.

As a result of those sanctions, companies that do business with Iran could face penalties from the U.S. It was previously unclear if the U.S. would penalize European nations that chose to remain in the Obama-era agreement. – READ MORE

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