Stevie Wonder takes swipe at Trump during Aretha Franklin’s funeral: ‘We need to make love great again’ (VIDEO)


Stevie Wonder on Friday took a swipe at President Trump during a speech at Aretha Franklin’s funeral.

“What needs to happen today not only in this nation, but throughout the world, is that we need to make love great again,” Wonder said, playing off of the president’s campaign-era slogan, “Make America Great Again.”- READ  MORE


Al Sharpton politicized Aretha Franklin’s funeral on Friday, using the televised event to take shots at President Donald Trump by claiming Trump does not know what respect means, coming just days after Sharpton couldn’t even spell “respect” correctly.

“You know, the other Sunday on my show I misspelled respect,” Sharpton said. “And a lot of y’all corrected me. Now I want y’all to help me correct President Trump to teach him what it means.”- READ  MORE

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