Shocking Dallas billboard targets black women, tells them abortions are ‘self-care’


Pro-life advocates are fuming over a new billboard along a Dallas highway that suggests black women should choose abortion because it’s “self-care.”

“Black women take care of their families by taking care of themselves,” the billboard states. “Abortion is self-care.”

The billboard is sponsored by a Dallas-based group called The Afiya Center. The center’s website states it is “Transforming the Lives of Black Women & Girls.”

Also according to its website, “Our mission is to serve Black women and girls by transforming their relationship with their sexual and reproductive health through addressing the consequences of reproduction oppression.”

An Afiya Center representative told CBN News the billboard was put up on Monday.READ MORE


Abortions are now becoming so safe and easy that some have adopted the old “do-it-yourself” approach in Britain, where a new law allows women to take the abortifacient drug Misoprotosol at home.

The Guardian reports that the British government will be following in Scotland’s footsteps by making it legal for women to take the abortion drug home with them. The decision comes after mounting pressure from abortion advocates supported by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).

The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) has denounced the decision for putting women in vulnerable situations.

“The abortion pill puts women through a terrible emotional and physical ordeal,” said SPUC deputy chief executive John Deighan. “The determination of the abortion industry to push women to undergo this in their own home with no real medical supervision illustrates their cavalier attitude when it comes to the well-being of women.” – READ MORE

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