SHOCK: High School Students Pull ‘Prank’ Mass Shooting At School


School officials at a high school in Maryland are apologizing to parents after a group of senior students pulled a prank at the school simulating a mass shooting. The students behind it are now facing potential criminal charges.

WJLA reported that approximately 20 students participated in the prank on May 15. Clad in black masks, the students ran into the school setting off firecrackers to simulate gunshots and then shot kids with squirt guns that were filled with various liquids.

Emily Birckhead, a student at the school, was injured by the fireworks and sustained second-degree burns on her ear, adding that someone squirted her with vinegar and that she had heard that other people were squirted with urine.

“I don’t know what had to go through somebody’s mind to pull off a prank like this in this day and age, so close to Parkland and then two days later to have the shooting today down in Texas,” Emily’s father, Steve, said. “It’s like these kids just weren’t thinking.” – READ MORE

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