“Shameful” – Trump Rips Portland Mayor For Not Protecting ICE Agents During Month-Long Protest (VIDEO)


Donald Trump took a jab at Portland’s cucked mayor Ted Wheeler during an event to salute members of I.C.E. and the Border Patrol on Monday.

“Last month, the mayor of Portland, Oregon, shamefully ordered locoal police to stand down, leaving federal law enforcement officers to face an angry mob of violent people. Leading members of the democrat party have even launched a campaign to abolish ICE. In other words, they want to abolish America’s borders,” Trump said at the event. “We condemn these shameful attacks on our great law enforcement. Any politician who puts criminal aliens before American citizens should find a new line of work.”

Trump would go on to applaud ICE agents and Border Patrol, while ripping sanctuary cities that provide cover for illegal aliens to rape, rob and pillage.- READ MORE


Paul Welch proudly voted for Bernie Sanders, and then again for Hillary Clinton in the general elections. When the proud Oregonian heard that fascists were descending on Portland, he grabbed his American flag and decided to protest.

“I was just protesting outsiders coming here for their tacitly fascist event,” Paul told the Oregonian/OregonLive.

The video, uploaded by the Twitter account itsmikebivins, was taken during the August 4th protests and counter-protests at Tom McCall Waterfront Park.

The video starts in the middle of a scuffle, showing Welch struggling to stop two black-clad protesters from taking his American flag.

Welch says that before the struggle, he had been asked to hand over his ‘fascist symbol.’- READ MORE

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