Senator Cory Booker Can’t Shake His Own Lurid Sexual Misconduct Allegations


A witness has emerged with allegations of teenage sexual misconduct against Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), and that witness is — surprise! — Senator Cory Booker. Columns detailing his misconduct, written by Booker in the student-run Stanford Daily newspaper in 1992, were first unearthed by the Daily Caller in 2013. They became an issue again this month after the senator became one of the leading Democratic voices against Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

Earlier this month, Booker launched his 2020 presidential bid during a Judiciary Committee hearing where he awkwardly likened himself to Thracian gladiator Spartacus. This Fridaythe senator awkwardly decried the “pernicious patriarchy” surrounding California professor Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh.

“In the United States of America right now, there are dark corners of our culture. The Center of Disease Control reports ‘one out of every three American women will experience some form of sexual violence,'” Booker intoned, adding that “60 percent of them go unreported.”

One instance of underage sexual misconduct in 1984 did go reported, however — by Booker himself. In a column in the student-run Stanford Daily newspaper in 1992, Booker admitted to taking advantage of an intoxicated classmate.READ MORE


White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders pointed to hypocrisy in the Democratic Party’s concern over alleged sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, in a Tuesday morning interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

Sanders was pressed on whether President Donald Trump had already made up his mind on whether Kavanaugh’s accusers were lying and whether it demonstrates a pattern in his behavior.

“When Roy Moore is accused, when Bill O’Reilly is accused, when Roger Ailes is accused, when Rob Porter is accused, and now when Brett Kavanaugh is accused, the president consistently every single time takes the side of the man,” “GMA” host George Stephanopoulos told Sanders.

“You know, it’s interesting that you say that,” she replied. “It’s a lot of Democrats that like to ignore Keith Ellison and Cory Booker. They love to fight and champion women until they disagree with them.”- READ MORE

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