Rob Reiner Warns of ‘Destruction of Democracy’ — Says MSNBC ‘Under Attack, Criticizes Fox News, Breitbart for Being ‘Aligned’ with Trump (VIDEO)


Friday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” actor Rob Reiner said left-leaning media outlets like MSNBC were “under attack” and warned we would witness whether or not “democracy survives.”

Reiner also attacked Fox News, Breitbart News and others during his commentary.

Reiner said, “We have never seen anything like this. We have a foreign power, basically trying to undermine our democracy and the possibility that the president of the United States is in conspiracy with that foreign power. This has never happened before in this country. You can see why the other side is putting out a full court press because they know that what’s coming down the pipe, conceivably, it is the biggest scandal in American history and we are fighting right now for the soul of our democracy.” – READ MORE

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