Remember Leftists Calling Trump Sexist? Two Women Just Made His Short List for SCOTUS Pick


Donald Trump, the inveterate sexist. Donald Trump and his war on women. Donald Trump, who treats the distaff gender like garbage. Donald Trump, the man who has whittled his Supreme Court choices down to three men and two women, and the favorite is a woman.

One one of these things is not like the other. And, it just so happens it’s not the one that’s been endlessly passed through the media’s Trump filter.

According to remarks made aboard Air Force One on Friday, President Trump will make his Supreme Court pick to replace retiring Justice Athony Kennedy on July 9. He didn’t reveal any names, but he did reveal some basics about where he is in the process.

“I’ve got it narrowed to about five,” the president said, according to CNN.

Trump said the list included two women. He added that he was going to be interviewing several of the candidates in New Jersey this weekend.

As for their stance on Roe v. Wade, which everyone on the left seems to have gone apoplectic about? “I’m not going to ask them that question,” the president said.

Not only are there two women in the running at this stage, but the clear favorite — if media attention is any indicator — is Amy Coney Barrett, a recent Trump addition to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals who clerked for Justice Antonin Scalia.  – READ MORE

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