Poll: Plurality Want Kavanaugh Confirmed; 83% Think He is Likely to Be Confirmed


A new Rasmussen poll bears good news for Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the largely-Republican faction seeking to confirm him to the Supreme Court.

83% of likely voters “believe Kavanaugh is likely to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve as a Supreme Court justice” … just eight percent say it’s not likely Kavanaugh can be confirmed

44% believe “that the Senate should confirm Kavanagh to fill the seat vacated by the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy”; only 38% believe he should not be confirmed. – READ MORE


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., signaled he is aiming for the Senate to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh by October.

“The timetable typically for recent Supreme Court justices, if we stuck to that timetable and I intend to, would give us an opportunity to get this new justice on the court by the first of October,” McConnell said in Kentucky on Friday.

He also anticipates that confirmation hearings will begin “in late August or early September,” and predicted that there’s “only a fairly small number of people who are genuinely undecided” and will determine how to vote following the hearings.

McConnell’s comments come after the White House encouraged the Senate earlier this week to confirm Kavanaugh in the next 66 days, which falls in the middle of September. – READ MORE

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