Pence Hammers the Establishment Media for Ignoring One of the Most Important News Stories in Months


Pence was in Honolulu on Wednesday to mark the return of 55 possible U.S. service members, part of an agreement brokered during the Singapore summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

However, according to the Washington Examiner, only Fox News decided to cover the event live. The other two major cable networks, CNN and MSNBC, did not.

That rankled Pence, who thought that the ceremony was given short shrift by a media that doesn’t think outside the Beltway.

“I think there’s a lot of people in the so-called mainstream media that would do well to spend a little bit more time traveling across this country and listening to the American people,” Pence said during an interview with “Fox & Friends.”

“‘Cause frankly, as I travel on behalf of this administration, meeting with groups large and small, I sense a great enthusiasm across the country,” the vice president continued.

“People see when it comes to President Donald Trump, it really has been a year and a half of promises made and promises kept.” – READ MORE


Vice President Mike Pence stood with Defense Department officials in a hangar in Hawaii Wednesday to welcome home 55 boxes of remains which the North Korean government says are of American servicemen who disappeared during the Korean War.

Some 7,700 men went missing in the armed conflict which ended in 1953 (but was only officially brought to a close as part of American negotiations with North Korea earlier this year). Around 5,300 are believed to have died behind enemy lines in North Korea.

“Whosoever emerges from these aircraft today begins a new season of hope for the families of our missing fallen,” Pence told a gathered group that included the families of many of the men who fought in the Korean War but never returned home. “Hope that those who are lost will yet be found. Hope that after so many years of questions, they will have closure.”

“Each container was accompanied by one Marine, one sailor, one soldier and one airman. They set the caskets gently on risers lined up inside the hangar as Pence stood watching with his hand over his heart. Adm. Phil Davidson, commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, saluted,” Fox News reported. – READ MORE

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