Pelosi: Being In The Country Illegally “Not A Reason For Deportation” (VIDEO)


Nancy Pelosi infamously denounced walls as “immoral” during the 2018 midterms, and refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of the border crisis – dismissing it as a ‘made up’ emergency after Trump tried to bypass Congress and re-appropriate money to build his border wall from the Treasury and DoD budgets.

Now, the Speaker of the House is taking her hysterical pro-immigration/anti-Trump rhetoric to another level of hysterical inanity by insisting that just because somebody is in the country illegally doesn’t mean they should be deported.

During an event in New York, Pelosi told her audience about a recent phone call with President Trump, where she discussed Democrats’ desire to delay the mass roundups of illegal immigrants (a request to which Trump acquiesced). During  the call, Pelosi said she told the president that “a violation of status is not a reason for deportation,” adding that there are over 10 million people who could face deportation because they are here more

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