Obama to Dems: ‘You are right to be concerned’ about Trump


Former President Obama told Democrats on Thursday night that they are right to feel concerned about the state of the country under President Trump’s leadership.

Obama made some of his most direct comments about the current administration yet at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in Beverly Hills, Politico reported Thursday.

“Do not wait for the perfect message, don’t wait to feel a tingle in your spine because you’re expecting politicians to be so inspiring and poetic and moving that somehow, ‘OK, I’ll get off my couch after all and go spend the 15–20 minutes it takes for me to vote,’” Obama said.

“Because that’s part of what happened in the last election. I heard that too much,” he added.

The outlet noted that Obama never said Trump’s name in public but talked about his presidency.

“Fear is powerful,” Obama said. “Telling people that somebody’s out to get you, or somebody took your job, or somebody has it out for you, or is going to change you, or your community, or your way of life — that’s an old story and it has shown itself to be powerful in societies all around the world.”

“It is a deliberate, systematic effort to tap into that part of our brain that carries fear in it,” he added.READ MORE

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