Obama Prosecuted Nearly Half A Million Illegals


The Obama administration prosecuted approximately half a million adults for illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border between Fiscal year 2010 and Fiscal year 2016, Department of Homeland Security data provided to the Daily Caller reveals.

The prosecutions include both illegal immigrant violators of Title 8 of the U.S. Code 1325 and 1326 used to penalize first time and multiple offenders respectively. The DHS data further shows that the Obama administration referred on average 1 out of 5 adults apprehended at the border for criminal prosecution.

Criminal prosecution of illegal immigrants has become a hot button issue in the U.S. with the Trump administration deciding it will prosecute 100% of the people who cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally. Current U.S. law dictates that criminal prosecution of adults will result in the separation of family units if they illegally cross together.

The Office of Refugee Resettlement’s public numbers however show that nearly 200,000 children were referred by the DHS between fiscal year 2012 to fiscal year 2016. These children either were separated by their families or they were unaccompanied minors.- READ MORE

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