NRA Issues Blistering Response to Trump’s Alarming Gun Statement


“Take the guns first, go through due process second,” Trump declared, referring to proposals to seize firearms when somebody was suspected of being mentally ill or threatening.

National Rifle Association leaders had apparently seen enough. The gun training and safety group called out the president for pandering to the audience while doing nothing to actually stop crime.

“While today’s meeting made for great TV, the gun control proposals discussed would make for bad policy that would not keep our children safe,” NRA spokeswoman Jennifer Baker declared to The Hill.

“Instead of punishing law-abiding gun owners for the acts of a deranged lunatic our leaders should pass meaningful reforms that would actually prevent future tragedies,” the spokeswoman continued.

“Doing everything we can as a nation to address the problem of dangerous people committing heinous acts is not inconsistent with the Second Amendment — the systemic failures of government to keep us safe reinforces the need for the Second Amendment,” Baker said.

“We will continue to support legislative efforts to make our schools and communities safe and oppose gun control schemes that cannot keep us safe and only punish law-abiding Americans,” the NRA spokeswoman concluded. – READ MORE

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