New York Times Calls for ‘Godfather’ Tactics to Stop Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee


The Far-left New York Times Editorial Board Is Calling Ondemocrats To Use Mafia Tactics From The Godfather To Stop President Trump From Filling A Supreme Court Vacancy.

Using language that appears to not only condone, but to encourage violence, the editorial board writes:

Barring some unforeseen development, the president will lock in a 5-to-4 conservative majority, shifting the court solidly to the right for a generation. This is all the more reason for Democrats and progressives to take a page from “The Godfather” and go to the mattresses on this issue.

The term “going to the mattresses” means going to war.

The Urban Dictionary accurately describes the phrase as meaning “preparing for battle” within the context of a mob war, a violent mob war involving firearms, assassinations, and bombings.

The anti-Trump New York Times describes this editorial as a “call to arms” and adds that the “fire now raging against Mr. Trump and his nominees can’t be sustained indefinitely.”- READ MORE

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