‘Never Trump’ Conservatives Soften to President Trump, Hail His Achievements


Almost a year into the Trump administration, some conservatives who formed part of the “Never Trump” movement during the campaign are softening — even praising the president for his successes in office.

New York Times readers on Sunday were treated to a column by conservative Ross Douthat — a frequent critic of Trump — who wrote about Trump’s underrated victory over the Islamic State. In the column, “A War Trump Won,” Douthat writes:

[I]f you had told me in late 2016 that almost a year into the Trump era the caliphate would be all-but-beaten without something far worse happening in the Middle East, I would have been surprised and gratified. So very provisionally, credit belongs where it’s due — to our soldiers and diplomats, yes, but to our president as well.

Douthat also grills the press for not mentioning the success due to it contradicting the narrative of “Trumpian disaster.” He notes that many on both the left and the Never Trump right have feared Trump’s foreign policy more than anything, and yet it has wrought success so far. – READ MORE

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