Nearly 50 Percent of Illegal Aliens in State Prison Are Sex Offenders


One in fifteen prisoners incarcerated in Oregon are illegal aliens, and a whopping 50 percent are in jail for sex crimes.

According to a study called “Oregon Department of Corrections: Criminal Alien Report December 2017” by David Cross, 6.60 percent of the prison population in Oregon is comprised of illegal aliens.

Illegal aliens account for 200 cases of sex abuse, 175 cases of rape, and 101 cases of sodomy in the state of Oregon.

Illegal aliens also commit more than 100 homicides in the state, as well as other violent crimes.

ICE has identified the 973 illegals in the state’s prisons, and has placed detainers on them. – READ MORE

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A new report about crimes committed by illegals finds that younger undocumented immigrants who were eligible for former President Obama’s DACA amnesty program commit far more crimes than other immigrants or U.S. citizens.

In unearthing rare data that details the crimes and sentences of illegals in Arizona, the Crime Prevention Research Center reported that immigrants age 15-35, the general population of the 700,000 in Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, “commit crime at twice the rate of young U.S. citizens.”

John R. Lott Jr., president of the center, said that if the Arizona data were averaged out nationally, the crime numbers would be stunning.

“If undocumented immigrants committed crime nationally as they do in Arizona, in 2016 they would have been responsible for over 1,000 more murders, 5,200 rapes, 8,900 robberies, 25,300 aggravated assaults, and 26,900 burglaries,” he wrote in the report. – READ MORE


For ever DACA recipient who has joined the U.S. military since 2012, two have committed offenses serious enough to lose their status, a Daily Caller review finds.

The U.S. military confirmed in early September that less than 900 recipients of the Obama-era program which offers protections for illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children are currently within its ranks. Conversely the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service revealed in late August that a total of 2,139 recipients of the program have lost their special status for violations.

“The deferred action terminations were due to one or more of the following: a felony criminal conviction; a significant misdemeanor conviction; multiple misdemeanor convictions; gang affiliation; or arrest of any crime in which there is deemed to be a public safety concern. Most DACA terminations were based on the following infractions (not ranked): alien smuggling, assaultive offenses, domestic violence, drug offenses, DUI, larceny and thefts, criminal trespass and burglary, sexual offenses with minors, other sex offenses and weapons offenses,” the UCIS noted at the time. – READ MORE

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