NBC’s Chuck Todd Tries To Blame Trump for Samantha Bee’s Sick Attack (VIDEO)


On Thursday’s “MTP Daily” on MSNBC, Todd began by saying that “there’s no defending Samantha Bee,” right as he launched into a defense of her, according to Newsbusters.

“There’s no defending Samantha Bee and yet it’s hard to ever empathize with President Trump when they’re asking, you know, for empathy since he torches people all the time too,” Todd said.

Interestingly enough, Trump was neither the target of nor the person who delivered the sexist slur, but he’s the one entirely responsible for someone going on a scripted show and using it.

“But at the end of the day, I mean, you know, it’s like — how is it that the president is not responsible for this tone? You know, you can’t help and say it starts at the top,” Todd said.

He regularly berates and mocks the looks of any of us. I’ve been one. And so when he expresses, I can’t believe they said that about me, it’s hard to feel sorry for him.” – READ MORE

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