Nancy Pelosi Slurs Her Way Through Presser – Makes Up Words “Traillion Dollars” (VIDEO)


Pelosi regularly struggles through her press conferences, often slurring her words or forgetting what she’s talking about mid-sentence.

The 78-year-old Congresswoman has even called President Trump “President Bush” several times.

“In addition, instead of enabling the secretary of HHS to negotiate for lower PRUGER — prescription drug prices,” Pelosi began.- READ MORE


Pelosi was defending her stance on weaker border enforcement in an attempt to pivot the blame for the current border crisis to Republicans after 9/11.

“When we had the 9/11 incident,” Pelosi said, “the commission was formed and they made the recommendations. They made recommendations to protect America, and some were about our borders, and Republicans would not take them up.”

Pelosi went on to say that she believes Democrats will be victorious in November midterms because Americans think this is not “who we are as a country” to take children away from their parents.- READ MORE


“Our oath to protect and defend our country from all en— and our Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic,” she said.

Pelosi called on Trump to “stand up to Putin for his depa— attacks…”

“It’s a danger this president is propo— uh, putting forth,” she said seconds later. One sentence later, she suffered a brain freeze before saying “intelligence.” – READ MORE

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