MSNBC’s Katy Tur Doubles Down on Condescending View of $1,000 Bonus: ‘Am I Out of Touch?’ (VIDEO)


“Every dollar counts, and $1,000 is a very big deal. But along with cheering one-time bonuses, shouldn’t we be pushing for long-term salary hikes, the kind of sustained help that would transform big-ticket dreams into everyday realities?

Because think about it, starting a family, owning a home, sending your kids to college, these should be within the reach of every American, bonus or no bonus. Or does that make me seem out of touch? I’m just not sure.”

“These one-time bonuses … $1,000 is a big deal,” Tur continued. “Nobody’s scoffing at $1,000. But is that where we should stop sharing, or should there be a push to change the system and get wages up so that workers can afford more of these everyday things?” – READ MORE

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During Trump’s speech on tax cuts on Monday, Tur decided to tweet about a woman who was thankful for her bonus. It resulted in instant criticism.

Tur tweeted:

There were many who felt that Tur’s comment was out of touch:

Based on the response, some people were not appreciative of her going after the woman. – READ MORE


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