More than 700K foreign nationals overstayed visas in 2017, DHS says


More than 700,000 foreign nationals who were supposed to leave the U.S. in recent months overstayed their visas, the Department of Homeland Security said in a report released Tuesday.

The federal department determined that 701,900 people who entered the country through an air or sea Port of Entry overstayed their visas between October 2016 and September 2017.

Overall, an estimated 40 percent of the roughly 11 million people in the country illegally stayed past their visas.

The total number of overstays is much larger but has not been quantified because it doesn’t include how many people arrive by land. – READ MORE


Hey, we liked former “Sex and the City” star dunking all over Andrew Cuomo as much as the next conservative website, but this is too far. ICE is by no means a “terrorist organization”:

And Donald Trump, of course, is the leader of this terrorist organization – READ MORE

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