Mike Huckabee: The Nunes Memo Exposes the Media in a Way I Have Never Seen in My Life


Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee stated that for the first time in his life, he is witnessing the “media trying to keep a lid on government actions rather than fully expose.”

His observation came in response to the mainstream media opposing the release of the FISA memo last week before it became public.

In a Monday Facebook post, Huckabee wrote, “I lived through Pentagon Papers and Watergate, Iran Contra and Whitewater and more but 1st time in my life seeing Press trying to keep lid on govt actions rather than fully expose.”

He added, “They hate Donald Trump THAT much. More than they love truth. Sad. Journalism is dead.” – READ MORE

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Now that we know what the declassified House memo says about government misconduct, we also know what it means: The Washington swamp — the deep state — is bigger, more vicious and more dangerous to American liberty than even a cynic could have imagined.

Because of the memo and previous revelations, we know that swamp creatures are embedded in the top of the FBI and the Department of Justice. Some used their power to try to tip a presidential campaign based on their personal politics.

They conducted a sham investigation of the Democratic candidate and misled federal judges to spy on at least one associate of her Republican challenger.

To block exposure of their misdeeds, these officials falsely claimed that national security would be damaged. Add that despicable lie — issued in the name of the FBI itself — to their shameful records.

Thanks to the battle over the memo, we also know with 100 percent certainty that the mainstream media is part of the swamp. The efforts by The New York Times and The Washington Post, among others, to keep the memo from ever seeing sunshine were appalling.

Before it saw the memo, the Times’ editorial page called it proof of “The Republican Plot Against the FBI.” A Washington Post columnist warned President Trump he would be making a historic mistake in releasing it. – READ MORE

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