Major Drink Maker Comes to Rescue After Gov’t Shuts Down Kids’ Lemonade Stands


Lemonade stands used to be a staple of summer, especially for the entrepreneurial young’uns among us. However, the specter of busybodies shutting them down due to the fact that they don’t have the proper permits has become an increasingly common trope, along with the concomitant disappearance of said lemonade stands.

Lemonade maker Country Time is hitting back, and bringing a legal team to the fight. The beverage maker, a brand of the Kraft Heinz company, is taking a stand for our country’s lemonade stands this summer via an initiative it’s calling “Legal-Ade.”

“All around the country, kids are getting busted for running their lemonade stands,” a news release from the company reads.

“Crazy, right? Why would anyone stop kids who are trying to build strong work habits, have fun and become young entrepreneurs? The reality is, they are being shut down because of old, arcane and very real permit laws. Look it up – it REALLY happens.

“But this summer will be different. The Country Time brand is taking a stand by introducing Legal-Ade: a crack team ready to straighten out lemonade stand-related permits and fines. Legal-Ade will defend kids’ right to a lemonade stand and all the benefits they bestow,” the statement continued.

“Any child fined for running a lemonade stand without a permit can have his or her parent apply for reimbursement. To apply, simply upload the image of your child’s permit or fine along with a description of what your lemonade stand means to your child, in his or her own words. The submission will be reviewed by the Legal Ade team and if it complies with the terms, you will receive the exact amount to cover the permit or fine, up to $300.00.” – READ MORE

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