LISTEN: PAINE in the Morning — News Scoops & Analysis for Wednesday 7.1.20


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Fauci Predicts 100K Coronavirus Cases Daily ‘If Things Don’t Turn Around’ – The number of new Chinese coronavirus cases in the United States could reach 100,000 a day if the country fails to turn things around, Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, predicted while testifying before a Senate panel on Tuesday.

There are currently about 40,000 new daily infections of COVID-19, the disease associated with the novel coronavirus, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), a component of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), testified. – READ MORE

Nearly half the U.S. population is without a job, showing how far the labor recovery has to go – Nearly half of the population is still out of a job showing just how far the U.S. labor market has to heal in the wake of the coronavirus.

The employment-population ratio — the number of employed people as a percentage of the U.S. adult population — plunged to 52.8% in May, meaning 47.2% of Americans are jobless, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics. As the coronavirus-induced shutdowns tore through the labor market, the share of population employed dropped sharply from a recent high of 61.2% in January, farther away from a post-war record of 64.7% in 2000. – READ MORE

Seattle mayor who defended CHOP is outraged after protesters showed up at her home – Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan expressed outrage after Black Lives Matter protesters showed up at her home Sunday afternoon, despite her previous support and defense of the “CHOP” encampment.

Protesters targeted her home after Durkan announced last week that the city would no longer support the Capitol Hill Organized Protest encampment and would seek to remove the concrete barriers that helped define the autonomous zone. But the CHOP remains intact. – READ MORE

Democrat Party Begins Demonizing Mount Rushmore, Refers To July 4 Celebration As ‘Glorifying White Supremacy’ – The Democrat Party began attacking Mount Rushmore on Monday night from their official Twitter account and referred to upcoming Independence Day celebrations at the famed monument as “glorifying white supremacy.”

“Trump has disrespected Native communities time and again,” the Democrats wrote. “He’s attempted to limit their voting rights and blocked critical pandemic relief. Now he’s holding a rally glorifying white supremacy at Mount Rushmore – a region once sacred to tribal communities.” – READ MORE

L.A. City Council Passes Motion to Replace Police with ‘Crisis Response’ for ‘Non-violent’ Calls – The Los Angeles City Council passed a motion Tuesday to replace Los Angeles Police Department officers with unarmed “crisis response” personnel to be assigned to “non-violent calls for service” such as “neighbor disputes.” – READ MORE

Latest Seattle CHOP shooting kills 16-year-old boy, critically wounds 14-year-old boy –A 16-year-old boy has died and a 14-year-old boy has been hospitalized in critical condition Monday following the latest shooting at the Seattle area known as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or CHOP, police revealed.

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said it marked the second death of an African-American victim in the area. The first death associated with the CHOP came June 20 when 19-year-old Horace Lorenzo Anderson was shot and killed. – READ MORE

St. Louis Prosecutor Confirms Cops ARE Investigating Gun-Toting Couple Who Defended Property From Protesters – St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner confirmed, late Monday, that her office is looking into whether a pair of homeowners, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, broke any laws when they responded to protests in their gated community by brandishing a pair of firearms.

Earlier reports indicated that police officials were looking into whether protesters, who are alleged to have broken into the couple’s secluded, gated community in the city’s Central West End district, for threats made to the couple and others in the neighborhood, as they marched past mansions on their way to the mayor’s home, also located in the Central West End. – READ MORE

BLM Activists Are Funneling Donations Back to Their Own Companies, Documents Show – The left-wing activist and former Bernie Sanders surrogate Shaun King is among the most visible faces of the Black Lives Matter movement. The former Daily Kos blogger is also one of its prominent fundraisers: In 2017, King founded a political action committee—the Real Justice PAC—with an eye toward driving criminal-justice reform across the country using the same mass mobilization techniques employed by the Sanders campaign.

But over the past 15 months, the Real Justice PAC, staffed by a number of left-wing activists, has funneled a quarter of the money it has brought in back to companies linked to PAC leaders. – READ MORE

Seattle mayor demands city council investigate and punish member for leading protest to mayor’s home – Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan is calling for the city council to investigate one of their own after she led a protest at the mayor’s home on Sunday.

Durkan, who praised and supported the protests at the Capitol Hill, said the protest endangered her family and her children when it came to her house. – READ MORE

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