Liberals are outraged over Kavanaugh hearings – and they’re blaming Chuck Schumer


Liberals are registering outrage that the war against the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court isn’t advancing, and they’re blaming Democrat leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).

Thirteen organizations signed a letter Wednesday criticizing the Senate minority leader for what they said was a failing effort to stop the nomination.

“Your job as Senate Democratic leader is to lead your caucus in complete opposition to Trump’s attempted Supreme Court takeover and to defend everyone threatened by a Trump Supreme Court,” read the letter to Schumer.

“But unbelievably, nearly two dozen Democrats have still not come out against Kavanaugh, and just last week, you helped Majority Leader Mitch McConnell fast track 15 Trump judicial nominees,” they continued. “That is not the leadership we need.”

Another group is marketing the hashtag “#WTFchuck” in an attempt to pressure Schumer to make sure every Democratic vote is made against Kavanaugh’s nomination.- READ MORE


Judge Brett Kavanaugh is not only qualified to sit on the Supreme Court but is at the “top of the stream,” the American Bar Association told senators Friday, delivering a powerful statement of support for President Trump’s nominee.

The ABA also shot down Democrats’ charges that there was a pattern of conservative bias in the judge’s rulings.

“If there is a pattern to the decisions … what we saw was an allegiance to the law, a dedication to looking at the facts of each particular case and applying that law to the facts,” said John Tarpley, the ABA’s principal evaluator in its review of Judge Kavanaugh.

The ABA has given the judge its highest rating of “unanimously well-qualified” for the Supreme Court seat.- READ MORE

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