Liberal Lunacy: California Town Proposes Jail Time to Those Who Dare to Give Away Straws


Sure, San Francisco’s board of supervisors voted unanimously this week to join such cities as Berkeley, Seattle and Vancouver  in banning plastic straws, as reported.

“The legislation proposed by Supervisor Katy Tang not only includes the elimination of plastic straws, but many nonrecyclable plastic items like coffee stirrers,” the outlet noted. “It also includes language that would make San Francisco the first city in the country to ban fluorinated chemicals in food containers. Because San Francisco uses 1 million plastic straws a day, the issue took center stage.”

But in Santa Barbara, things might get even more draconian than that: The city earlier this month passed an ordinance “authorizing hefty fines and even a possible jail sentence for violators who dole out plastic straws at restaurants, bars, and other food establishments,” as Fox Newsreported.

LifeZette reported recently on the ban in Seattle, when it became the first major U.S. city to ban plastic straws and plastic utensils.

“Plastic pollution is surpassing crisis levels in the world’s oceans, and I’m proud Seattle is leading the way and setting an example for the nation by enacting a plastic straw ban,” Mami Hara, general manager of Seattle Public Utilities, told radio station KOMO earlier this month.- READ MORE


Donald Trump Jr. sent spitballs flying in response to Santa Barbara’s recently announced ban on plastic straws.

The Santa Barbara ordinance, passed last Tuesday, bans plastic straws in bars and restaurants — and authorizes the city to punish anyone found in violation of the ordinance with up to six months in jail or $1000 in fines per incident.

San Francisco and Seattle have also recently banned plastic drinking straws at restaurants and bars, but Santa Barbara has taken the measure to a whole new level — the fines implemented in Seattle top out at $250 per incident.- READ MORE

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