Latest Poll Finds Today’s Democrat Party Scares the Hell Out of Voters


Let’s get right to the good stuff: In a new poll conducted by NBC News and The Wall Street Journal, just33 percent of those surveyed think the Democratic Party is “in the mainstream.” More than half (56 percent) consider them out of step.

Just two years ago in 2016, those numbers were far different: 48 percent mainstream, 42 percent out. That means the “mainstream” number has plunged 12.5 percent, a huge drop in just two years.

Man, it’s not easy being a Democrat these days.

Chief among the party’s problems (and they have many) is that the Democrats lack a leader. The last head of the party, Barack Obama, took his mojo with him when he left town, and he’s busy partying it up with Jay-Z and Beyonce in Paris. Meanwhile, 2020 is still too far away, so no one has yet emerged around whom the party faithful can rally.- READ MORE

[divider][/divider] Democratic representative Sean Maloney (N.Y.) cannot stop talking about tampons and wants taxpayers to pay for feminine hygienic products for his staff members.

Maloney, who is simultaneously running for reelection in the 18th district and for attorney general in New York, has been credited with starting the “Tampon Lobby” on Capitol Hill and has recently taken up the banner for “menstrual equity.” Google turns up 69,600 results for “Sean Maloney” and “tampons.”

Maloney’s tampon crusade began last month, when he accused House Republicans of an “archaic” and “sexist policy” of not forcing taxpayers to pay for the tampons of Hill staffers.

Maloney complained that the House Finance Office would not reimburse him for the $37.16 worth of tampons he bought for his congressional office.

“My office recently got smacked down by the powers that be in the House because we had the temerity to offer feminine hygiene products for the women who work for me,” he said in a video for Now This News. “By the way, a majority of my staff is female and we have a million people come through our office, and we provide things like paper towels, or tissues, or first aid, like Band-Aids, supplies that people need. And those are paid for by an office budget. Pretty normal stuff.” – READ MORE

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