Jim Jordan Officially Announces His Bid For House Speaker


House Freedom Caucus co-founder Jim Jordan will formally announce his campaign for speaker of the House Thursday at noon, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

TheDCNF confirmed the announcement with two sources with direct knowledge of Jordan’s plans. Thursday’s announcement would be the first time Jordan directly said whether or not he is running.

Jordan has received an onslaught of support from conservative groups and his colleagues in the House Freedom Caucus to run for speaker.

Jordan’s team did not respond for immediate request for comment.- READ MORE


Conservative advocacy group FreedomWorks on Thursday pledged to spend at least half a million dollars on a campaign to elect Rep. Jim Jordan(R-Ohio) as House Speaker.

The group made the announcement shortly after Jordan officially announced his bid for the gavel on Thursday.

“FreedomWorks, along with conservatives across the country today, applaud Rep. Jordan’s announcement that he will run for Speaker,” FreedomWorks President Adam Brandon said. “Jordan will ensure that House Republicans finally make good on the promises they have made for years on the campaign trail — to balance the budget and hold bureaucratic agencies accountable.”

FreedomWorks launched a grass-roots campaign to rile up support for Jordan’s bid in April, months before his announcement. Over the past few months, Brandon claimed, FreedomWorks volunteers have “sent more than 75,000 phone calls, tweets, and letters to their representatives” in support of Jordan’s run for Speaker.

The Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund and Senate Conservatives Fund also both announced their endorsement of Jordan on Thursday. The Tea Party Patriots raises money on behalf of the grass-roots Tea Party movement, while the Senate Conservatives Fund aims to boost conservative GOP candidates.- READ MORE

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