Kyle Kashuv Perfectly Outlines Leftist Hysteria To Come Following Santa Fe Tragedy


Another month, another school shooting that needn’t have happened. This time, it occurred in the town of Santa Fe, Texas, claiming the lives of 10 people.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, none of the gun laws proposed in the wake of the Parkland shooting would have had any difference. The suspect apparently got the firearms from his father and neither one of them fit into the “assault rifle” category or had “high-capacity magazines.” Instead, the shooter was able to kill with just a shotgun and a pistol — neither of which, we were told, presented the kind of mass shooting threat that AR-15s did.

These very salient facts didn’t prevent Parkland activists from taking to social media and claiming some sort of sick “victory” for their gun-grabbing agenda. Here was one tweet from Cameron Kasky, one of the more visible of the Parkland anti-gun activists.

However, Kashuv managed to get the best of Kasky even more effectively than I did, using the exact same format he did.


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