Kavanaugh to Feinstein: AR-15s in ‘Common Use’ Because ‘Widely Possessed’


During Day Two Of The Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings Brett Kavanaugh Told Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-ca) That Ar-15s And Similar Rifles Are In “common Use” Because They Are “widely Possessed.”

Kavanaugh’s explanation came after Feinstein pointed out that he “argued that the DC ‘assault weapons’ ban was unconstitutional,” and did so because AR-15s and similar rifles were in “common use.” She asked him to explain the basis for such a conclusion.

During a live Fox News broadcast, Kavanaugh lead Feinstein and viewers through the precedent that led him to his position. He said, “I don’t get to pick and choose which Supreme Court precedents I follow. I follow them all.”

He then went to District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), which reaffirmed the individual right to keep and bear arms. Kavanaugh noted that in the course of “explaining what that [right] meant, and what exceptions would be allowed to that right, Justice Antonin Scalia’s opinion for the court, in part three of the opinion, went through [to show] this does not mean that there is no gun regulation permissible.”


He added, “And, semiautomatic rifles are widely possessed in the United States. There are millions and millions and millions of semiautomatic rifles that are possessed, so that seemed to fit common use and not be a dangerous and unusual weapon.”READ MORE


During Day One Of Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Hearings, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-ca) Accused Him Of Being Beyond “pro-gun” And Suggested More People Will Die In Mass Shootings If He Is Confirmed.

ABC News tweeted video of Feinstein addressing Kavanaugh, saying, “The president that nominated you has said, ‘I will nominate someone… pro-gun.’ We believe what he said.”

Feinstein added, “It’s pretty clear that your views go way beyond simply being ‘pro-gun.’”  Huff Post then noted that Feinstein suggested a confirmation of Kavanaugh will mark an end to “assault weapons” bans, as she claimed he would hold AR-15 and similar rifles as constitutionally protected.

She also intimated there would be more school shootings if Kavanaugh were confirmed, chiefly because of the continued legality of “assault weapons.” Feinstein claimed there have been 273 school shootings since the heinous December 14, 2012, shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, and that such shootings would actually grow with Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court of the United States.READ MORE

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