Joy Behar Tells Legal Immigrant That Trump Would Let Him ‘Still Be in Italy’ — His Response Shuts Her Up (VIDEO)


The topic came up on ABC’s “The View,” as the ladies spoke with outspoken Trump-supporter, actor and model Antonio Sabàto Jr., who is Czech and Italian, immigrating to the United States (legally) with his parents when he was just 12 years old.

Regular host Sunny Hostin was critical of Sabàto’s position on immigration — mainly because he supports President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall:

“Let me ask you another thing that is difficult for me to understand. We’ve talked about your family having to hide their identity during the Holocaust in Czechoslovakia, and we’ve talked about the fact that you came here at 12 years old from Italy speaking no English, and this country embraced you.

You call yourself an immigrant, but you’re in favor of the wall being built, being paid for by the American people and keeping other immigrants out of the country much like yourself.”READ MORE

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Meghan McCain schooled her co-hosts on “The View” Thursday when they tried to downplay President Donald Trump’s approval rating jumping by 10 points after the State of the Union.

“I think he’s a very good publicity person for himself,” guest co-host Yvettee Nicole Brown first posed. “I believe he has no problem speaking up about things great in the country whether they were because of him or not and I think that most people don’t do the research to find out maybe an economic upswing may have already been happening before he got in office.”

“Well, it’s the tax cuts I think mostly doing it,” Joy Behar added. “People are running up a deficit because they’re giving tax cuts to very, very, very wealthy people and that will lead to cuts in medicare and social security which is what Republicans have always wanted to do anyway was to dismantle all of the social institutions that have kept people afloat all these years. That will happen. That will be something that will be a result of these tax cuts and because you get a $20 raise a week, you’re ready to throw the whole country under the bus? Really? Come on.” – READ MORE

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