John Kerry’s Lengthy Screed Ripping Trump For ‘Disgraceful’ Behavior In Brussels (VIDEO)


Former Secretary of State John Kerry took to social media to publicly scold President Donald Trump for his “disgraceful” behavior concerning our North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies and other Western countries. President Trump pressed our NATO allies for not paying enough in defense and admonished Germany for their “oil-and-gas pipeline deal with Russia,” on Wednesday in Brussels.

“I have to say, I think it’s very sad when Germany makes a massive oil and gas deal with Russia, where you’re supposed to be guarding against Russia, and Germany goes out and pays billions and billions of dollars a year to Russia,” said Trump.

The former secretary of state went after Trump for his comments, though, oddly, Kerry voiced similar concerns regarding Germany’s energy when he served under President Barack Obama.READ MORE


Did something get into the water at the New York Times? Because the latest from their Editorial Board – which “represents the opinions of the board, its editor and the publisher,” is entitled:

Trump Got From NATO Everything Obama Ever Asked For

It begins:

Now that the smoke has cleared from the NATO summit meeting, the most tangible result is apparent: President Trump advanced President Barack Obama’s initiative to keep the allies on track to shoulder a more equitable share of NATO’s costs. Mr. Trump even signed on to a tough statement directed at Russia. For once he saw eye to eye with his predecessor. –New York Times

To be sure, the Times dings Trump for bruising a few EU egos (while making his Chief of Staff John Kelly cringe during a particularly blunt public excoriation of Germany), and they rebuke the President for suggesting the US might withdraw from NATO if military spending targets aren’t met by member nations. At the end of the day, however, the New York Times just gave President Trump massive credit for achieving significant progress on a longstanding dispute over fairness and commitments. – READ MORE

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