Jimmy Kimmel Deletes Video After Wildly Misleading Viewers About a Policy He Doesn’t Understand


Late night host Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday deleted a video clip from Twitter and YouTube that falsely informed viewers that a proposed Federal Communications Commission rule would force them to pay hundreds of dollars to complain to the FCC.

“The FCC is considering a plan that would require U.S. citizens to pay $225 to make a complaint. So, if you’re mad about how high your cable bill is, soon you can pay the government $225 to complain about it,” the host of ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live” told his viewers Wednesday night.

“Boy, they really have the fingers on the pulse of us, don’t they? It’s shameless, really. Time and time again this administration, they side with the big corporations over people,” the comedian riffed. He then acted out a skit in which a coffee shop customer had to pay $225 to complain about a barista spitting in his drink.

But Kimmel appears to have botched the facts.

Americans aren’t charged to file informal complaints through the FCC Consumer Complaint Center, a fact that won’t change under any rule being considered by the FCC.

It also already costs $225 for consumers to file a formal complaint — a process the FCC describes as similar to a court proceeding — and the proposed language change wouldn’t have affected that, either. – READ MORE


On Tuesday, Bess Kalb, a writer for late night host Jimmy Kimmel, made her claim to join the exclusive group with a sexist and vulgar rant aimed at Second Lady Karen Pence. Ironically, and unsurprisingly, Kalb is also quick to cry sexism when she receives push-back against her often asinine and hyperbolic political posts.

The entire thread fell in line with this tone, making demeaning comments and often invoking religious language to mock the Pence family’s well-known and loudly professed faith. – READ MORE

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