IRONY: ‘Believe All Women’ Activists Assail Ashley Kavanaugh, Accuse Her Of Lying, Compare Her To Hillary Clinton


Apparently, it’s fine to “believe all women” and “respect all women” and “support women,” so long as those women align with you ideologically. If they’re standing by a man who has been, by all accounts, wrongfully accused of sexual misconduct, they’re fair game for social media — and mainstream media — bullying.

The Washington Post referenced Clinton in its headline, which screamed, “Ashley Estes Kavanaugh revives old-fashioned script in newfangled era.” That “old fashioned script,” they say, was authored by Hillary Clinton. Jezebel suggested that Ashley was used as a cover; Politico called Ashley’s response to interview questions a “test” of “standing by your man” in the #MeToo era. – READ MORE


The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a vote Friday on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

The committee vote is being set for the day after Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford are to testify about her allegation he sexually assaulted her when they were teens. That public hearing is set for Thursday.

The committee scheduled the vote as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Tuesday he was moving forward with Kavanaugh’s nomination.

Kavanaugh has denied Ford’s claim and that of another woman who has come forward with an allegation from his time at Yale. – READ MORE

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