Harvard Law students call on school to reconsider Kavanaugh teaching post


A group of students at Harvard Law School is calling on the university to stop allowing President Trump‘s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, to hold a teaching job unless there is an investigation into the sexual assault allegations brought against him.

Kavanaugh is slated to teach a course called “The Supreme Court since 2005” in the 2019 winter term.

“Will Harvard Law School take seriously the credible allegation of Kavanaugh’s sexual assault against a young woman before he is allowed to continue teaching young women?” Molly Coleman, Vail Kohnert-Yount, Jake Meiseles and Sejal Singh write in The Harvard Law Record. “Or will Harvard allow him to teach students without further inquiry?

“Unless a full and fair investigation is conducted, Harvard Law School cannot allow Kavanaugh to continue teaching its students and the Senate cannot confirm him to the Supreme Court,” the students continue. – READ MORE


The attorney for Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual harassment, released a statement saying the Senate Judiciary Committee’s desire to hold a hearing on Monday is “contrary to the Committee discovering the truth.”

The statement said Ford wishes for other witnesses to be involved in any future hearings, but did not name any such witnesses. The only people Ford says were present for the alleged assault are Kavanaugh and schoolmate Mike Judge, both of whom say this incident never happened.

“The Committee’s stated plan to move forward with a hearing that has only two witnesses is not a fair or good faith investigation,” said Lisa Banks, Ford’s attorney. “The rush to a hearing is unnecessary.”

According to the statement, Ford and her family have received threats and she is “currently unable to go home.” In earlier media interviews, Banks had said Ford would be willing to testify. Republican swing vote Sen. Susan Collins has suggested she will vote for Kavanaugh unless Ford testifies.- READ MORE

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