Grassley: ‘Five or Six’ Dems Will Support Kavanaugh If GOP Gets to 50 Votes


Grassley said something would have to “very dramatically go wrong” for Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) to oppose the nomination.

“I think that we can’t count on any Democrats until we get the 50 votes we need, and then we’ll get five or six of them,” Grassley said. “Otherwise, I don’t think we can count on them.” – READ MORE


According to Politico, Lisa Murkowski (R-AL) and Susan Collins (R-ME) were far less confrontational after Trump’s announcement Monday night than they had been with the possibility of Judge Amy Coney Barrett joining the Court.

Murkowski allowed, “Let’s put it this way: There were some who have been on the list that I would have had a very, very difficult time supporting, just based on what was already publicly known about them. We’re not dealing with that.”

Collins said she wouldn’t compare Kavanaugh to Barrett, then added, “It will be very difficult for anyone to argue that he’s not qualified for the job. He clearly is qualified for the job. But there are other issues involving judicial temperament and his political or rather his judicial philosophy that also will play into my decision.”- READ MORE



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